Monday, August 1, 2011

Digital Education: Is it for At-Risk Youth?

So I found this link and it was from my twitter friend Ms. Lucy Gray. It spoke about digital education being a luxury for at risk youth. It got to me because to a certain extent because at some point in my life I was considered at-risk youth and I don't know if at that point I would have been able to handle such technology as what today's students are going to be dealt. But living in today's age has made technological literacy a necessity to keep up in today's market. Families without a computer are seriously lacking in terms of information and resources and even entertainment. There are legit and lucrative businesses out here that takes advantage of people who are ignorant to the world they live in. Now as far as children go, shouldn't all school have access to textbooks? Of course? Well if that resource for information is key, why not tech? Me personally understand that tech also represents money and to those without it, can't afford to have it, and if they can, they probably don't have the money to insure it. With that in mind, I think this poses an excellent debate topic for the years to come. I hope people can come up with a solution quickly, children are at risk.

The Link

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